(&) [Ocb_stubblr] | h1 & h2 is a hook combining h1 and h2 .
A | |
after_rules [Ocb_stubblr] | after_rules f is function After_rules -> f () | _ -> () .
B | |
build_arg [Ocb_stubblr_topkg] | build_arg is the command-line parameter that needs to be passed to
ocamlbuild in order to access Ocb_stubblr inside myocamlbuild.ml .
build_cmd [Ocb_stubblr_topkg] | |
C | |
cclib [Ocb_stubblr] | cclib tags options adds -cclib options when linking the C libraries
tagged with ~tags .
ccopt [Ocb_stubblr] | ccopt tags options adds -ccopt options when compiling the C sources
tagged with ~tags .
cmd [Ocb_stubblr_topkg] | cmd c os files is a full invocation of build_cmd .
D | |
dispatchv [Ocb_stubblr] | dispatchv hooks is a shortcut for registering several
I | |
include_include_dirs [Ocb_stubblr] | include_include_dirs will add -I dir when linking OCaml programs and
cmxs for every dir marked as include .
init [Ocb_stubblr] | init ?incdirs ?paths initializes the plugin.
L | |
ldopt [Ocb_stubblr] | ldopt tags options adds -ldopt options when linking the C libraries
tagged with ~tags .
M | |
machine [Ocb_stubblr] | machine () is the normalized result of uname -m .
mirage [Ocb_stubblr_topkg] | |
O | |
ocaml_libs [Ocb_stubblr] | ocaml_libs ~mllibs calls Ocamlbuild_plugin.ocaml_lib on every .mllib
found in mllibs .
os [Ocb_stubblr] | os () is the normalized result of uname -s .
R | |
run [Ocb_stubblr.Pkg_config] | run ~flags package queries pkg-config about package , using flags .