Module Sendmsg

module Sendmsg: sig .. end
sendmsg(3) / recvmsg(3) with socket-passing

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For detailed semantics of these functions, consult the sendmsg (3) and recvmsg (3) man pages.

val send : Unix.file_descr -> ?fd:Unix.file_descr -> bytes -> int -> int -> int
send sock ?fd buf off n sends up to n bytes of buf, starting from off, over sock. fs is attached as ancillary data. Returns the number of bytes sent.
Raises Unix_error on ERRNO.
val recv : Unix.file_descr -> bytes -> int -> int -> int * Unix.file_descr option
recv sock ?fd off n reads up to n bytes into buf, starting from off, from sock. Returns (n, fd), where n is the number of bytes read, and fd is the optional file descriptor attached to the message.
Raises Unix_error on ERRNO.
val sendv : Unix.file_descr -> ?fd:Unix.file_descr -> bytes array -> int
sendv sock ?fd bytesv is the scatter-gather version of send. It sends the contents of all bytes in bytesv, in order. Returns the number of bytes sent.
Raises Unix_error on ERRNO.
val recvv : Unix.file_descr -> bytes array -> int * Unix.file_descr option
recvv sock bytesv is the scatter-gather version of recv. Input is gathered into the arrays in bytesv, in order. Returns the total number of bytes read, and an optional file descriptor.
Raises Unix_error on ERRNO.